Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 1 Again!

So on the schedule for today is some workout time, studies, house chores, and so on.  So much to do.  My health and weight loss are important to me so I have decided not to give up on myself!  I am starting at day one all over again because I have managed little progress.  I am drinking some green tea w/ honey instead of coffee right now then will be drinking my shakeology for breakfast.  It will have half a banana in it so this will be 200 calories.  Water Water Water is important.  I have the hardest time with this.  I will be doing everything in my power to drink water.  Then it will be shopping and another workout, cardio, in the form of a walk at the park.  I will be sure to post my calorie burn and thoughts.  My daily log will contain my food diary as well.  I don't have many followers for now so this is a public diary for me.  Accountability! Time to attack my day!  Later!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Wow I suck!

I am terrible at this blog thing... I will try harder. I am going to have to give a complete update later but a quick one is that I have not been able to lose weight and I am running off and on now.  I am so frustrated, but I am healthier!  LOL!  Well, I will keep going anyway... maybe someday I will lose the weight.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Today was ok.  Kinda crappy really... but life moves on!  So I did well on the workout today.  I am not doing so well with the eating!  I have to eat dinner now and will tackle it better tomorrow!  Can't do anything about it now so I might as well do what I can to finish up my meal plan for today and get better at eating on schedule.

Have a better one than I did!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Power 90

Today I started Power 90 and am following the meal plan.  First day so not much to report.  It was hard and I am full but that is it so far.  I just want to lay down and go to sleep!  LOL!  I will try to do this blog again.  We will see.  If anything it would keep me up on my workouts!

Have a great day!

Friday, January 28, 2011


So again I have slacked on posting.  I guess I should put a reminder somewhere.  So I have been working out and being better at watching what I eat.  The kids are starting to workout with us.  I am very determined to change the household diet to a healthier version.  I just have to get the husband on board.  He is starting to be swayed to my way of thinking.  We have decided to do a challenge where we don't eat fastfood for an entire month.  We will do this!  It is better for us and the kids!  My three year old is already telling me that fastfood is bad for you.  He questioned our going out for lunch and reminded me that fastfood is bad for you!  So cute!  I told him that yes it is and that there are healthier choices.  He said "yes mommy!"  I am super happy about that.  This is the same kid who tells me no mommy food when I cook because he wants mc donald's instead.  I hope my children take better eating habits into their futures.  I have even begun cutting out cereal so much because they want the sugary kind.  I have lured them with toast, eggs and fruit with orange juice.  They seem to like that better.  I hope to keep this trend up!  Wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Back at it!

It has been awhile... I am going to really try to do this.  I hear it is good for you to log your lilfe somehow so here we go again.

So today nothing much so far.  I drank my shakeology,super yummy, and have worked out.  I plan on working out again but more for cardio.  With my metabolism so low I think this is a must.  I will do the slim in 6 in the morning but also do sit ups and a 1 hour walk in the evenings.  Nothing to stop me!  I pretty much have no reason to not do this.  It is important to me and I want to do it.  I am my own worse enemy though.  Always finding excuses and reasons to not get moving in the morning.  Eating the wrong things and not drinking enough water.  It is a cycle I will overcome!  So today My To Do list  is :  1. wake up/workout clothes! 2. water/shake 3. workout 4. laundry 5. vacuum 6. dust 7. begin office organization 8. dinner before 6 pm  9. clean up 10.  shower and dress go in there somewhere as well.  11. do something with Isaiah!  Wish me luck!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010


What a terrible thing to endure!  I really do dislike moving!  We are still trying to get the rest of our stuff out of the old house.  I haven't had a lot of time to unpack so the new house is in utter chaos.  We have so much to do.  Only a couple more weeks for my classes as well, so study, study, study.  I decided to take a semester off.  I need the break to get things back in order and might as well enjoy my holidays. 

I have been doing ok on the shakeology.  Since the move I haven't done a formal workout but am more than making up for it.  I have lost a total of 5 pounds and look forward to losing 2 more to meet my monthly goal of 7 lbs a month.  It is hard for me and I have cheated.  All in all, I am doing well and think I will go ahead and continue on the shakeology program.  It is a great lunch at least.  I love having a chocolate shake for lunch everyday!  I switched from breakfast because I found a shake for breakfast was kinda weird.  Loving it.  I might go out to the park today and squeeze in an hour of hard walking.  I really need the stress release and it would feel great.  I may even pop in my 30 min workout today!  I hope I can get my papers written.  Have a great day!
